How to pay attention? Without this of course: http://www.adhd.com/. Here is what they say:
Understanding ADHD
To understand attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and how it may affect you or someone you care for, it is important to learn as much as possible about the condition. Click on the links below for helpful tips, facts, and information about ADHD in children and adults. You’ll also find resources for support and hear from others who have ADHD. This information can help you understand the condition, recognize symptoms, and learn about treatment options that may help."
What can you do if you have ADHD? You need to pay more attention to one thing at a time. How do you do that?
Ask a panda bear: Do you see that panda bear? Well he is trying to cross the river. Now he is clearly focusing, but maybe he is focusing too much. He is just looking at the river! It was people that invented the bridge, not the panda bear. That's because the people were able to think about trees, planks and the river and not just one thing at a time, like the panda bear, but who knows, maybe ADHD is a good thing. Even to make this entry, I needed to think about ADHD and a panda bear, or else it would just be about ADHD, not how come ADHD isn't a "problem" for the panda; or how about how did we invent the bridge and the panda didn't, despite that panda doesn't have ADHD? Does a panda bear even know what ADHD is? Don't ask a panda!
Well how do geese fit into this? It doesn't look like it is a good day for a goose out there:
"The director of a Pennsylvania food bank said Wednesday he'd be happy to receive meat from Canada geese culled in New York City to promote aviation safety after geese caught in the engines of a jet forced it to land on the Hudson River." http://online.wsj.com/article/AP1191573916d9439bb3568a4007356615.html
Still, why is it relevant? Because it may be a good time for gooses to start paying attention! That is the reason why.